How to deploy ReactJs app in Apache Tomcat Server

Shyam Ramath
2 min readJan 23, 2021

This is a guide to deploy a ReactJs application in a tomcat container, Deploy react JS in tomcat or any servlet container is little bit tricky. Here we will create a React application from scratch and deploy the app to apache tomcat server.

Create a ReactJS application

Prerequisites You’ll need to have Node >= 8.10 and npm >= 5.6 on your machine

If you are newbie to ReactJS follow the below steps to create a HelloWorld application

npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app
npm install
npm start

After starting the application, open a browser and hit the below URL . Your application will be rendered


Follow the link below to learn more about ReactJS —

Magic happens here

Now let us make the config changes to deploy this application to Apache tomcat server

Open the package.json file in the project root, and add the below entry in the file and save.


npm run build

build folder

Deploy to Apache Tomcat Server

Download a Tomcat server from the below link, if you have one already downloaded we can use that

Webapps Folder

Copy the build folder to Tomcat webapps folder, rename the folder to HelloWorld

Start the apache tomcat server, by default Tomcat server will be listening to 8080 port

After starting the application, open a browser and hit the below URL . Your application will be rendered


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